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    CEO & Team Leader

    Jerry Kennard

    Jerry is a highly focused and results driven Managing Director who leads through example and motivates the Evoke team to work to their full potential. He inspires his team to think outside the box when delivering creative and visionary office design and fit-out solutions to ensure that every client not only achieves their operational objectives but also increases the engagement, productivity and retention of their team. He believes the physical environment is like the soil for every team to grow in, and ultimately the determinate of their success.

    Zig Ziglar, a famous American, once said: “You don’t build a business – you build people – and then people build the business.” Jerry lives by this philosophy and that is why he leads the best team in the office design and refurbishment industry. His expertise results in motivated and highly productive staff who look forward to coming to work each day, not only at Evoke Projects, but also for clients across Australia.

    Jerry Kennard
    CEO & Team Leader

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    They listened, understood what we needed, and nailed it. The design element of the project completely exceeded our expectation to the point that every time I walk into our space.

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